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Frequently Asked Questions

What if I'm already doing an antenatal course?


Hypnobirthing is a perfect complement to a standard antenatal course. A hypnobirthing course works on achieving powerful mindset shifts and can work well alongside any other course.

What if i'm having a c section or my birth is classed as high risk?


Hypnobirthing can help so much for caesarean, allowing you to feel calm during the procedure.

If you are having a planned caesarean, we can do a specific class focusing on this so you are fully prepared. If you have an emergency or unplanned caesarean, the techniques you have practised before birth can easily be used in this situation. Knowing what questions to ask, and having easy-to-use mind-calm and relaxation techniques, can help you make caesarean a positive experience. See caesarean stories to read about how this can help.

Will it give me a pain free birth?


While it's possible to have much less pain in labour when using hypnosis, we are not aiming for a pain-free birth.  We are aiming to use techniques which will enable you to remain calm, in control, more comfortable and help your work with your body during labour.  Some people, myself included, will still say it was painful, though they cope far better with the pain when they have good techniques to manage it. Nobody should feel hypnobirthing has failed them if they feel pain - my approach is all about teaching you pain redcution techniques and enabling you to work with it, not fight it.

What if it doesn't work?


This depends on what you expect to happen for it to have "worked".

It is wrong to assume if you experience pain or need intervention in labour, that hypnosis hasn't worked. You have effective ways to manage whatever sensations you may feel. You have calming techniques, adrenaline reduction, communication skills and much more. You learn self-hypnosis to be able to take yourself into a deeply relaxed state in any situation - not just birth. You really gain so much from this, that no matter how your birth goes - it has helped you in some way! It also is extremely benefical for birth partners.

When is the best time to attend a course?


The ideal time to begin the course is between 24 and 32 weeks of pregnancy. This is because it's a good idea to give yourself time to practice breathing techniques, self-hypnosis, and relaxation in addition to classes. However, many people attend later on - the latest a client has attended my course was two days before birth! While it isn't ideal to leave it this late, you can still really benefit.

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