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VBAC birth story

I used Hypnotherapy for the birth of my daughter. I had on/off contractions for about 2 and a half weeks before the birth and I used everything I had learnt with Claire which helped me to cope.

My Story

When my waters went at 4pm on New Year's Eve, on the rug in the living room (not where I wanted to give birth) everything went so fast and pains were very intense every 2 mins, my body was pushing for me without me trying or wanting to. I was afraid I was going to give birth right there and then and for a while I lost my control.

When we got to the hospital at 4.30pm and was examined, they found I was already 6cms dilated. While waiting for the pool to fill as I'd requested a water birth following my previous emergency C-Section, I really struggled with the pains but tried to get my focus back.


VBAC birth story

Once I got in the pool, an hour and a half after I arrived I managed to calm myself down and start using everything I'd learned in my session with Claire. I visualised my "safe" place and remembered everything that Mp3 said. I used my breathing techniques with each contraction and when it came to the time for me to be actively pushing.For me, the best part of what we learned with Claire was that it gave my partner confidence that I could do this and we'd both be OK. My partner was amazing throughout and encouraged me to keep going and reminding me that I could do it.

It gave me more power to believe I was able to have the VBAC birth I wanted. And I did it! I managed a VBAC waterbirth with gas and air and did it in 5 hours 50 mins. It was the proudest moment of my life!

 Libby was born swimming into my arms at 9.22pm

Thank you Claire for everything you taught us x

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