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Hospital Birth Stories

A selection of hospital birth stories, shared with kind permission from previous clients.

Jo, Richard & baby Jaxon

I just wanted to share with you my birth story and thank you for the invaluable hypnotherapy course me and my husband did with you. After 12 hours of active labour and 39 hours from the start of the contractions I was able to stay calm, relaxed and focused and gave birth to our gorgeous baby boy Jaxon in a birthing pool without the need of any pain relief.


After the birth he had trouble breathing and needed intervention which resulted in little skin on skin and a rush to get baby oxygen. Even though this was not expected, I remained calm and positive and baby Jaxon was fine. I listened to the mp3 throughout the full labour on repeat and without the positive affirmations and guided meditation I think it would have resulted in a very different birth.


My poor husband and midwife knew the tracks off by heart by the end of the labour 😂 it also meant that my husband knew exactly what to do and remained my rock throughout.


Baby Jaxon is also a really calm and happy baby and I believe this is because hypnobirthing kept me calm and relaxed throughout my pregnancy.

I couldn't recommend your course and hypnobirthing enough. Thank you for giving me the tools to have a positive birth story ❤️ xxx

Vicky & baby Harriet


I decided to use hypnobirthing for my second child as I had a long labour with my first. I was in hospital for over 15hours and I felt I had no control of what was going on.

The classes were excellent and very relaxing. They helped me understand the different stages of labour and how to use different coping techniques. I met some lovely people who all had similar anxieties.


Harriet's birth

Using hypnobirthing made a massive difference to my labour. I was shopping at Teesside park and having tea out with my friends thinking the contractions were just braxton hicks. When they started coming every 5 minutes I realised it must be the real thing!


I was able to stay at home without any pain relief using the breathing techniques, distractions and affirmations. I had my little girl within 20 minutes of arriving at the hospital with no complications. I used the breathing techniques when releasing the placenta and I didn't feel a thing.


After the birth

I now use the relaxation techniques on a weekly basis to help me sleep.


Vicky x

Stefan, Charlotte & baby Arthur Edward

Arthur Edward arrived on his due date (6.10.18)

at 10:54 weighing 8lb 10oz


Stefan and I wanted to share the wonderful news....


I just wanted to personally thank you for the input you had in the labour.

Thanks to the material provided and your insightful one day course I laboured to 8 cm relaxed, using the breathing techniques learnt and enjoying the privacy, space and familiarity of my own home. In fact I was so focused at home that by the time we did arrive at the hospital, which was at 10:20 - Arthur was ready and born at 10:54!


Like a woman on a mission, I entered the labour room, climbed onto all fours, three pushes and he was here!

We are both doing well, if not still in a little shock as to how it all happened! Please feel free to share.

Charley & Stefan 

Laura & baby Joshua George

Welcome to the world baby Joshua George, born 03/03/17 weighing 8lb 6oz.
I have been catching up with baby Joshua and his Mum Laura, to find out how hypnobirthing helped them.Welcome to the world baby Joshua George, born 03/03/17 weighing 8lb 6oz.
I have been catching up with baby Joshua and his Mum Laura, to find out how hypnobirthing helped them.


Why Laura decided to try hypnobirthing

After having a bad experience in labour with my first child I needed something to keep me calm. My friend had done hypnobirthing before and told me to try it - I was very sceptical!


I loved the classes they were so calm and relaxed. I attended the 4 week course and also the relaxation hour classes for 4 weeks before my due date - lots of information was given and I learnt different breathing techniques and how to keep calm.


I delivered Joshua just using gas and air and staying at home until I was 5cm, coping by listening to the MP3, using breathing techniques and visualisations.

With my partner attending one of the classes, he kept me calm by breathing with me and holding me.

After giving birth I got took off to theatre for a spinal as I had a 3rd degree tear. I initially panicked as I had been took to theatre with my first child, after panicking I managed to keep calm and thought of various affirmations whilst in theatre to get me through it.


I was in established labour for only 2 hours and 12 mins .

Thank you Claire for all your knowledgeable classes. I believe that without you I wouldn't of had a good labour, which I enjoyed this time around and was so proud of myself just using gas and air after having an epidural with my first.

I would recommend hypnobirthing to anyone it's great 😁

Laura and Joshua George

Jo & baby Oliver James 

I decided to use hypnobirthing after touching on it with my first son Jacob, learning how to control my breathing through contractions helped me deal with the pain.. So with Oliver, I looked out for hypnobirthing and found Claire on Facebook.
I attended Claire's 4 week sessions and learnt so much about birthing naturally and trusting your body. I found the classes so relaxing and interesting and become excited for my birth.


Oliver Jame's birth 
I stayed at home mainly in the bath until I was 4cm dilated. I wanted a waterbirth from day one, no pain relief, relaxed, dim lighting with MP3 playing in the background. That's exactly what I had! It was the most amazing birth. The midwife told me afterwards that I inspired her to have children because I made it look easy! My birth took 6 hours. My partner come along to one of the sessions and was sceptical and thought it was a load of rubbish! His opinion has completely changed, he seen me give birth so peacefully and thinks hypnobirthing is fantastic! Xx

After the birth After giving birth to Oliver I stayed completely relaxed and took everything in my stride. After I gave birth, I had a shower, had some rest and was home with my eldest son Jacob within 6 hours. It was a godsend honestly. Thank you so much xxx
Jo & Oliver James  6lb 13oz 09.01.17

Rachel & baby Ruby

Hypnobirthing Middlesbrough

I decided to use hypnobirthing because my first baby was huge at 9lb 9oz, I was anxious and wanted to be calm about the possibility of another big baby. I am also a fan of natural help rather than medical interference. 

I absolutely loved going to the classes.

I attended weekly group classes which were brilliant. A chance to chat to other mums to be and I found them very informal and hugely relaxing.

The birth of my baby was an absolute incredible experience. Very calm and controlled through breathing listening to hypnobirthingMp3 and my favourite ed Sheehan playlist. I arrived at the hospital 7cm dilated after giving out Mother's Day gifts to my Mam!! (Who was at my house already) I was calmly able to even choose my delivery room and I explained to my understanding midwife how important a hypno birth was to me. She listened to every word and helped me achieve this with very little interference.


I went into labour at 5am and Ruby was born at 1:16pm a perfectly huge 9lb 6oz baby girl, on Mother's Day!! I used only gas and air and deep meditation through hypnotherapy.


After the birth

Postnatal I continued to use the hypnotherapy in my after care (a few stitches) then again when my body was contracting down to size whilst feeding. Ruby is now coming up 2 and I still can use the relaxation techniques.


Thank you so much Claire

love Rachel and Ruby xx

Danielle & baby Alfie

Birth with first son wasn't what we expected and what started off as a low dependency relaxed labour turned into quite a traumatic experience. The classes were really relaxed and in depth of different scenarios that may or may not occur in birth and the honesty and stories of other people's experiences were good.


The results with the birth of my second son after using hypnotherapy were great. It definitely helped with breathing through my contractions and focusing on positivity. I had a really good birth.


After the birth

I was out the same day with my second son and up on my feet as normal. Whereas with my first son I was laid up for a few weeks and didn't get out and about until he was 6-8 weeks.


Danielle x

Suzanne's Birth Story

I thought I'd share my birthing experience as I had a very good birth and wonderful delivery. I thought my waters had broken Friday morning at 7.30am, however as this was my second baby I knew I had 24 hours to see if anything would develop into full labour.

However I wasn't having much pain and decided at 3.30pm I would go and get checked. I was sent home, my waters had not broken. However I started having contractions and by 10.30pm thought I had better get assessed again. I took 2 paracetamols and had my tens machine on. I was 4/5cm dilated and taken to the Marton Suite. Listening to MP3, sat on a birthing ball , walking and moving around the room I was so calm and relaxed taking to the midwife and student midwife.

The midwife couldn't believe how calm I was, happy and in control!! She was telling me how amazing I was doing and how well I looked. At 3.30am she examined me and my front waters popped and I was ready to push!

My baby girl was born at 4.12am, weighing a healthy 10lb!! No intervention, no pain relief.

Claire, I would like to thank you for being part of your relaxation classes, I came to 5 classes and they really helped my stay focused and in control. I did use the techniques with my first baby 20 months ago but I needed a refresher course.

I would totally 100% recommend your classes, you have such a calming influence and this really helps anyone who is feeling nervous or anxious about giving birth.

If I was 10 years younger I think I would have baby number 3.

Thank you

Suzanne x

Emma, Sebastian & Santiago

Hi Claire,
Just wanted to let you know that we welcomed a little boy into the world on the 17th Jan at 2.02pm weighing 7lb14oz.
I woke at 4am that morning thinking i had trapped wind. We got to hospital at 7am, still not knowing if i was in labour or not. I was then examined and was 6-7cm!

By 8:30am contractions were coming with only a 10 second break due to him being back to back. The midwife broke my waters at 12:00 and he was born at 2:02pm. I only had gas and air and didn't ask for drugs once Sebastian says he was amazed by how calm i was. He was wonderful at keeping me calm and slowing down my breathing, I'm certain your day with us was invaluable in helping us through this amazing experience so thank you.
The baby is unbelievably calm and happy and i think this is because i was able to keep so calm during pregnancy and labour.
I will definitely be recommending Hypnotherapy. We have named the baby Santiago Federico Nicolas

Marina's birth story - calm forceps delivery

Just to let you know had my baby this morning. Waters broke yesterday at 7.30 went to hospital got checked and was then sent home. Focused all day at home returned to hospital at 2am this morning to be told I was 9cm dilated. Midwife could not believe how well I was doing as I was so calm. I got booked in and taken to Marton suite, midwives could not believe how calm, quiet and focused I was. Just to let you know had my baby this morning. Waters broke yesterday at 7.30 went to hospital got checked and was then sent home. Focused all day at home returned to hospital at 2am this morning to be told I was 9cm dilated. Midwife could not believe how well I was doing as I was so calm. I got booked in and taken to Marton suite, midwives could not believe how calm, quiet and focused I was.

I had agreed for a student midwife to be present as they thought it would be good for her to see someone using this birthing technique and I didn't mind. This lovely girl said she had never seen anyone so calm and focused. I started with a water birth but this has to be stopped as baby wasn't coming fast enough. I Had to be moved onto high dependency. All I had taken at this point was paracetamol, gas and air and used a tens machine at home not even at the half way level.

Unfortunately baby wasn't coming so I was told I would have to have forceps or a potential caesarean. This did upset me but I was able to remain calm throughout. I had the baby by Forceps. I did five of your classes, listened to downloads nearly everyday from week 32 I think.

Just thought I'd let you know how useful this skill was for me to learn.


Michelle, Michael & baby Gabriel

I knew I needed to try Hypnotherapy once I found out I was pregnant as I hate needles / medical situations and don't consider myself to have a high pain threshold at all. I knew I would panic and freak out in labour if I didn't take steps to overcome my fears. Through practicing Hypnotherapy - x2 birth preparation workshops, reading the Effective Birth Preparation book and listening to MP3s - which always sent me to sleep! and also attending Claire's weekly relaxation classes from 11 weeks to full term, I hoped I could change my mind-set and not fear giving birth.

Leading up to the birth I did wonder if all of my preparation would actually work. I hoped it would but part of me thought that I still wouldn't be able to cope when it came down to it. But I was wrong. I was so surprised at how well I handled it all and I can safely say that I did enjoy the experience.

At my first contraction just before midnight I got excited and focused on the feelings which were like a wave. After 2 hours I needed to put my TENS machine on. Over a few hours my contractions were coming every 4 minutes but it still felt too easy to go to hospital. I sat on my birthing ball for a while and when I stood up from it at 7am I heard a 'pop' and my waters broke all over the floor! We made our way to hospital and found I was 4cm dilated. I then also used gas and air (which my husband held for me the whole time as well as offering me drinks and not asking me questions!) and meptid as other forms of pain relief which helped take the edge off for me.

I can honestly say that my contractions were not excruciating at all though and I didn't see it as 'pain' but very strong sensations like a cramp. I was in upright positions throughout my labour and was fully dilated at 5.20pm.

Unfortunately when it came to pushing my contractions slowed down and we found that the baby was in an awkward position. I was advised that I would need to be put on a drip to bring contractions back on so the baby could try and turn itself. I was really disappointed to hear this but remained calm and accepted it and moved to high dependency for the drip, at which point I also had an epidural as I had reached my pain threshold and was extremely tired since not having any sleep.

It wasn't in my birth plan but the epidural was the right decision in the end because after a few hours there was still no change to the situation and the baby's heartbeat was dipping. It was decided it needed to be a forceps delivery. 

It was very scary being wheeled into theatre and still being at risk of needing a section if it didn't work but I just kept calm and breathed deeply and kept my eyes closed (as I had throughout all of my labour) and tried to focus on the end result.

At 12.22am (over 24 hours from my first contraction) our baby boy Gabriel Isaac was born weighing a healthy 8lbs 14oz.

Thank you Claire for helping me to have such a positive birth experience that I am proud to look back on :-) - Michelle &  Michael 

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