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Writer's pictureClaire Norris

Hypnobirthing Myths and Facts

Updated: May 21

Here are 6 myths I hear most often.

Myth - You are under hypnosis and not in control.

Fact: Hypnobirthing aims to help people utilise deep relaxation, breathing, and self-hypnosis to experience birth in a way that is better for them. You are not under anyone else’s control as hypnobirthing is really about deep relaxation and being able to get yourself into such a natural, relaxed state that you cope better with whatever path your birth takes. Hypnosis is a natural state similar to daydreaming and you are not out of it or "under". If anything it helps you to feel more in control.

Myth - It promises you a pain free labour and birth - if you don't get this, it hasn't worked.

Fact: Hypnobirthing should never promise a pain free birth. The aim is to enable you to have the skills to work with your body to reduce and manage pain. Using natural pain management techniques alongside an understanding of what can worsen labour pain, you will have a better chance of a more comfortable birth. Some people (myself included) report that they still felt intense sensations but were able to cope far better.

Myth - I can't use this if I'm having a c section or high intervention birth, or if I have complications.

Fact: Hypnobirthing can be used anywhere, whether you birth at home, in hospital, at a birth centre. You can even use hypnobirthing techniques for high intervention births or c section. Its all about creating a positive birth experience.

Myth - my birth partner will hate it.

Fact: Some birth partners to be can be quite sceptical about hypnobirthing classes at the start, but often turn into the biggest fans. The tools that are taught are common sense, effective, practical and very easy to use The other great benefit for partners is they find it gives them a clear role during labour. Most birth partners find they end up enjoying the course! See more info on the benefits to birth partners and read their testimonials here 

Myth - It will all go out the window.

Fact: Hypnobirthing is not set in stone or a set plan to do this or that and the baby will be breathed out and all will be fine. If it was, I can see how you'd think it's gone out the window when you end up asking for an epidural or needing intervention. However, it's about learning how your body works in labour, how to help yourself, how to work with what labour brings. It's about coping techniques, understanding your choices and options. It's about learning some of the best ways to deal with whatever labour brings so it feels more positive no matter how it happens.

Myth - It's too expensive 

Fact: Many clients have told me my support and knowledge they gained from the course was priceless.

I charge £225 for my full Hypnobirthing and Birth Preparation course. This is around 6-7 hours of one to one teaching for you and a birth partner, with an additional top up session before birth. Each course is also carefully planned, researched to be up to date, and is always adapted to you as an individual, never scripted or read from a book. You are paying for the benefit of my 12 years of expertise, knowledge and experience.
In addition to this you get lots of course materials both electronically and printed, as well as a whole range of MP3 downloads, plus WhatsApp, phone or email support up until birth - all included.


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